Sunday, January 18, 2015

Adam Wall

The National Football league

            The NFL is the staple of American culture today. It’s what everyone talks about. It’s all about how their team is doing. It is about their fantasy league, and dreaming of their team finally winning the super bowl. The NFL is at another level when it comes to sports, in America; it dominates the sports world and is the center of attention. Instead of talking sports and football in this blog, I am going to talking about the NFL from a business point of view, the influence they have on our population and their soon to be decline.
            The NFL is worth billions and billions of dollars, only the richest of the rich have to chance to own one of these teams. The owners of these teams have a lot of power and money. Along with the teams, millions and billions of dollars are put into advertisement. Commercials, sponsors, merchandise and many other promotions have boosted so many products and businesses. They have such an influence and image created for sports watchers around the world, whether its having a party with friends, beer everywhere and girls dancing all over the place or simply sitting in a recliner, relaxing and watching the NFL. We never realize what a profound impact the NFL has had on a lot of peoples lives, some people don’t like sports but some people let it consume their lives and the NFL tries everything it can to make more and more money and to get peoples lives engrossed in football.

            The NFL, with all the power they have might be losing it though. Football and the American culture are slowly deteriorating and football might face the same fate that boxing had along time ago. The danger of the sport turns away children for their safety. Concussions and brain damage is a serious problem in football. People are running at each other at high speeds with the intention of knocking the lights out of each other, it isn’t safe.  The future of football is not good if kids around the country aren’t playing the game. I don’t think there is anything you can do to make football safer so I think we all just need to start converting to the most popular game in the world, soccer.

            Scandals and legal issues also surround the NFL. I get so mad at owners and the leaders of the NFL because of how they handle situations legally. Lately, Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson are just two examples. The NFL is just so arrogant and so rich, they don’t seem to care about the opinions of their business partners they just want more money. They don’t care that Adrian Peterson beat his kid. They just want him back in the league to make them more money. Money runs the world and it really runs the NFL. This blind disregard for their reputation and so much greed could end up crushing the NFL like kicker being blind-sided by a massive lineman. 


Hate on people

            So after the Charlie Hebdo headline that has been all over the news, people are doing what they have done forever, generalizing. Whether people are black, white, green, if they like waffles or pancakes, star wars or star trek, people will find a way to generalize you and tell you you’re something you’re not. Charlie Hebdo is another case of blaming the whole group of people for what just a few extremist have done.

            9/11 and so many other terrible acts of terrorism have been committed many times across the world. Most acts of terror come from Muslim extremists. AL-Quieda, Jihad groups, and ISIS are just some names that we’ve all heard of and they continue to cause terror “in the name of Allah”. Yes, these people are evil and terrible people. They take a peace loving religion and turn it into chaos and oppression. People are taking it to far though, people are doing what they always do, generalize against those that don’t have the same beliefs as they do. All Muslims are now identified as these extremist, they shouldn’t be. Just because one group of people believe in terror, that doesn’t mean the rest of the Muslim population believes in it. It makes me sad that people are treated as demons, as if they are unsafe or demons just because they have separate beliefs than the rest of us. They don’t deserve the hate that they are getting just because they’re Muslim. They don’t deserve getting “randomly selected” for a background check every time they go on a flight. They don’t deserve being treated as unsafe, being treated as if they are going to kill you. They are human beings and I hate having to call them different than me because they aren’t.  I’m not Muslim shouldn’t mean I should be treated differently than them. We have already had this discussion 50 years ago people with African Americans, lets quit judging others just because of their beliefs or the way they look, I thought we were past that.


Adam Wall


            There are rich people in the world today, very rich people. Bill Gates, Oprah, and Warren Buffet are just some of the famous rich people that have lucrative lives and can get whatever they want. There comes a point though where people own too much money that it hurts the rest of the world.
            This week a meeting will be held in Switzerland where all the richest people in the world meet to discuss the wealth of the world. Rise in inequality is the main point that will be discussed. By next year, the top 1% will own more wealth than the other 99% of the world combined. That is ridiculous when you think about it. There are billions of people in this world in poverty and not having enough money, those people don’t even come close to having a little bit of what the top 1% has wealth-wise. We are entering a new gilded age. The new Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan have risen in the top one percent. Monopolies and big corporations are running the worlds economy and have power over everyone. I feel like it is much worse than people think it is. People need to realize this isn’t middle class American anymore, a lot of workers today are getting lower and lower wages. Most of the wealth in the world is disturbed in just a select few; this is not a good think. Although it seems clique or extreme to say, but these people have the power and money to control the world if they really want too. Something has to be done because the gilded age we live in today only helps a few while the rest of us are struggling for good jobs and lives.

            Not all rich people are evil master minds trying to take over the world. Most of them try to distribute there wealth as much as they can. Bill Gates as an example uses his wealth to donate to charity and create a better world. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is one of the largest and most popular charities in the world and Bill Gates has helped a lot of people with his money. A lot of other follow suit as well, just because you are stacked with money doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.