Safari Adventure
A real
African safari has to be one of the most surreal experiences out there. Seeing the
most beautiful animals on earth be free in the wild is definitely on my bucket
list. The lions, giraffes, and rhinos would be an amazing sight. The only thing
stopping a lion from pouncing on you or an elephant from sitting on you is
their laziness, and a jeep with no windows. The rush of being able to see these
animals in the wild up close must feel great.
could be harming our environment though. Just having a giant jeep follow you around
all day could really hurt your hunting. Although wildlife has somewhat adapted
to humans taking selfies with them, making movies out of them, and staring at
them with binoculars, the wildlife still has to be effected by so much human
presences. Regulations should be set and more strict in countries with these
types of safaris. We cannot just let guides disturb these animals’ habitats and
ways of living. Some animals are really being hurt read more here (
Hard fines
and expenses have been placed on companies who do safaris though. The government
is trying to help keep their wildlife safe, to a certain extent. Harder actions
do need to be taken though to keep these beautiful animals the way they are. I
am all for safaris, they sound like an absolute blast, but this tourist
attraction should not be hurting animals. I am fine with having my trip to Africa
being a little more lack-luster because I can’t get right next to the lion pack
while they are hunting.