Sunday, December 21, 2014

Adam Wall
Good old days
                We are coming back to the good old days, although candy is not a nickel and people are on their phones 24/7, gas prices have dropped off the edge. Oil has been lowest in over 5 years, even with inflation. Prices here in Iowa are almost under two dollars, something I thought I’d never see again. Competition is heated and supply is at an all-time high.  A lot of countries are really taking a hit from the fallen prices while buyers really like the lower cost.
                Russia is entering a recession thanks to the oil prices dropping. Their country’s economy is going down the drain and inflation is at extreme rates all because oil is less profitable. Other countries whose economy is dependent of oil like Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates can survive on the lower prices for a while due to reserves. If oil stays non profitable, these countries might have serious issues. There are a lot of countries dependent on oil as well, more than just the Middle East and everyone’s economy will take a hit if the world doesn’t prepare for change. Countries like Saudi Arabia know that oil will not last forever, other technologies, short supply, and many others reasons will cause oil to continue to fall out of the market. Countries need to figure out other sources of income because sooner or later, oil will fall off the charts and bad things will happen if countries aren’t prepared for it. Their economies will crumble just like Russia’s. 

                The drop in oil prices, although it sounds great right now, might crush a lot of countries. Hopefully investments in newer energy sources will help with this cause along with creating cleaner, renewable, and more efficient energy. Oil maybe is important and good right now for the world but hopefully we can all start leaning away from it and moving on away from black gold.
Adam Wall
The Embargo
                Cuba has had the odd distinction of not becoming Americanized.  They have no imports of American goods, no McDonalds, no ford F-150’s, no new technologies.  They are stuck in a world without all of these things. They do have one thing - Cuban cigars and that’s all they need.
                This week, after decades of giving the silent treatment to Cuba, Obama finally decided to reverse the embargo on Cuba. After years and years of zero trade with them, the United States has finally had enough, they want their cigars again. It’s odd, this whole change of heart seems so sudden, They is no recent evidence of cooperation between the two countries, no talks, it all just happened. This embargo has been in place for such a long time, I’m not really sure why Obama decided to remove the embargo. Obama just decided he wanted a smoke so he took that embargo away I guess.

                The controversy is pretty anticlimactic because it does not seem like it with have a big impact on anything.  If something like this happened 20 to 25 years ago then there would be serious outrage. Today, people realize that what Castro is doing is not good, communism isn’t good but the embargo really hasn’t done anything to either country other than a minor inconvenience. Neither countries economy was destroyed or affected that much. When I first read this, I’m pretty sure I had the same reaction as everyone else in the country, “heh, cool”. But of course this is politics so people always have to disagree and rage about it so you might hear about how we’re giving into Castro and all communisms. Really though, that embargo is probably what kept Cuba going for so long.  They are one of very few communist countries and the last one to be following the Marxist/ Soviet Union beliefs.   This ideology seems to have helped them more than its hurt them.  It also probably what made millions of Cubans cross the gulf to come to Florida, land of the fancy new cars, McDonalds, and great American products. Who wouldn’t want what we have here in beautiful, free, and amazing ‘murica. 
Adam Wall
The Interview

                This week has been an odd, odd week. Who knew that Seth Rogan and James Franco could start an all-out technology war? We are used to seeing these two get high as a kite in some movie while partying all the time, but now they’re making fun of the supreme ruler of North Korea and making him a bit mad.
                Reports this week show that North Korea has been behind hacks and threats to Sony, the maker of The Interview, a comedy about going to North Korea and meeting Kim Jong Un.  The movie’s release has now been canceled by Sony and they’ve decided not to show it. The outrage in Hollywood occurring since that announcement has changed Sony’s thinking and now they will probably show it. Many people want the film to be released online for free and for everyone to see which would be amazing. I think they should show it.  I don’t think giving in to the demands of an arrogant, evil, and spoiled leader helps to prevent them from doing bad things. It will just make them more arrogant and powerful; they cannot have control over our media and entertainment. This is especially the case since its North Korea, the country who threatens every other country in the world every other day.
                It really makes me happy though that so many people around the country are standing up for this movie. They’re standing up for freedom of speech, from actors like George Clooney, to the average person, to the President of the United States, the whole country wants this movie to be released and proving that we will not give into the demands of Kim Jong Un.  The president especially asked Sony to not give in, he wants them to stand up for freedom of speech. I mean, if you’re going to give into demands, Kim Jung Un is really the last person you should give into, he threats to bomb us all and yet nothing happens, he has no resources, no money, and absolutely no respect so I really don’t understand why Sony gave in. You have to be careful though, something bad could happen, North Korea is a crazy place ruled by maniacs, they’re unpredictable and crazy. You should really be careful ticking off a guy with a gigantic ego, an army that he is really not afraid to use, and a brainwashed society.

                I really hope good things will come out of this. The movie could be released all over the world for everyone to see, free for everyone to watch and laugh at, including Kim Jong Un and his goons. I hope patriotism becomes stronger and stronger in this country,  that we can all unite again under a common enemy. I hope that North Korea finds a way to humiliate themselves as a country like they always do and I hope that this whole escapade can somehow bring an end to all the death and suffering most of the people of North Korea are feeling. Who knows, maybe Seth Rogan and James Franco can save millions of lives by making another comedy movie.