Adam Wall
This week
terror has struck Paris . Two
terrorists invaded and killed 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters. Read
more about it here (
Although it is only speculation, the motive seems quite clear; Charlie Hebdo is
a satire newspaper that pokes fun at politics and a lot of problems around the
world, specifically the Islam religion. These Islamic radicals probably
attacked Charlie Hebdo due to the fact that the people in charge, specifically
cartoonists were making fun of Muhammad by drawing pictures of him and making
fun of the Islamic religion as a whole.
Support for
Charlie Hebdo is extremely strong and people around the world are standing up
for the cause. “Je Suis Charlie” or I am Charlie is the slogan used worldwide
to promote freedom of speech and freedom of expression, whether it is through
cartoons or some other media form. Cartoonists around the world are creating strips
such as these (
to support Charlie Hebdo.
Let’s talk
about satire in the media and in general. Charile Hebdo uses satire through
comics and other articles; it is very popular in France .
If done right it can be extremely funny. IN American, The Daily Show with Jon
Stewart and The Colbert Report are examples of satire media and are also extremely
popular. Satire media is a double edged sword though, most of the time it is
extremely funny and a lot of people like it but if you cross the line, which is
undefined, there is no going back. You can offend a lot of people, specifically
in this case, Muslims. But you can offend everyone, and I am in no way
defending the people who did this horrible act of terror. It was a sad day and
the criminals are monsters. Also, these people, the cartoonists, the writers,
have the right to write what they want and express what they want. I just can’t get over the fact that you are
hurting a lot of other people that don’t deserve it. Sure it’s all a joke and
people need to grow some tougher skin, but satire is something you have to be
careful with especially if you’re getting extremely offensive.
are also very different around the world. Different cultures find different
things humorous. For the Germans, its nothing, for Americans, its immature
jokes, it is different for every culture. What we might thing is offensive, another
group thinks its hilarious, comedy is like food, different every where you go.
In this case, I don’t think the French find this humor at all offensive while
places like Saudi Arabia
or anywhere in the middle east for that matter would find something like this
such a terrible sin and that they should be punished. Cultures are different
and that’s probably why these Muslims radicals attacked. But these people
shouldn’t be punished. “I am Charlie”.
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