Sunday, November 2, 2014

                Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is important.  DNA is a long but extremely thin strain of nucleic acids and other compounds. You can find about five feet of DNA stuffed into every single cell in your body.  Every bit of code that makes you who you are is found in every cell, coiled up into chromosomes, ready for telling our cells what proteins to make. It’s mind boggling to me that everything we are, every thought, every part of our body comes from the coding of DNA’s nucleic acids, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine.
                This week, scientists figured out a little bit more about DNA. We still don’t know everything though and all this information can literally change in a flash. Studies suggest only 8.2 percent of our DNA is actually used to make proteins which is the main way our bodies are run. Only 1 percent is actually used to create proteins, the other 7 percent are just telling the cell when to start and stop coding. Read more here ( Scientists and writers of this article suggest that the rest of the DNA has no use, it doesn’t help at all, and that it is non-functional. Why would we have so much DNA that doesn’t have a use? Why is it there? Do we even need it? It doesn’t seem right that 92 percent of our DNA is just sitting there in our cells doing nothing. Nature is extremely efficient, whatever you believe in, our bodies and all of biology works like a Swiss watch, every little gear and part works perfectly to run smoothly. Species die out and go extinct if they aren’t functioning the way nature wants them to.  In our bodies and make up…. Somehow or someway that other part of our DNA is used, we don’t know it yet but ever part of us is important. The appendix is thought to be useless, but scientists keep studying and are starting to find possible purpose for what they thought was a waste of space. Our bodies and evolution did not create something to be absolutely useless; everything we use has some purpose.

 We definitely do not know everything; everything we do know is minuscule compared to what we have to learn. Our knowledge is still expanding; 50 years ago we had no idea about so many processes and things our body does. There are so many unknowns in our world and in science. We cannot just push stuff off we aren’t certain about as being useless, we just need to keep looking, there is a reason for everything in this world, nothing is useless. Looking through the other ninety two percent will be hard, it is extremely difficult to find patterns with just four codes and billions and billions of digits long.  

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